Would You Stop Acting Your Age?

“You’re only as old as you feel.”  That saying has been around a lot longer than any of us.  It’s a statement of rebellion against time and the effect it has on us all.  It’s a refusal to give in.  It’s an excuse for not acting our age.  And why should we?  After all, age is just a number – does it have to be a state of mind?

A few days ago my grandson was being pretty silly, making noises and just generally acting up.  I finally looked at him and said, “You’re almost eleven years old.  Would you mind acting your age?”  Then my mother-in-law, who has little tolerance for anybody under the age of fifty, threw in a few comments of her own.  I finally looked at her and said, “Could you try a little harder not to act your age?”

And really, what does that mean – acting your age?  Who decided that after a certain number of birthdays, we’re no longer supposed to have fun?  With all of the money being spent in this country by people trying to look younger, you’d think a few more would try a little harder to act younger.  It’s free, and nothing covers wrinkles like a smile. 

One of the highlights of my summer is taking my grandson to a local theme park.  We get there at opening time and stay for the fireworks twelve hours later.  And we spend the day riding everything from the wildest roller coasters to the bumper cars and merry-go-round.  We’re like two kids.  Only he is a kid.  Me?  I’m still in denial.

My doctor would have a fit if he saw some of the things I ride.  That’s okay, he probably wouldn’t approve of the corn dogs and cotton candy either.  But sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind.  And for me, that means sitting in the front seat of the tallest ride in the park with both hands in the air yelling, “Rock and roll!”

I read something not long ago that said “I refuse to tiptoe through life, taking no chances and avoiding all danger, only to arrive safely at death.”  I thought that was a pretty strong sentiment, and right along with my line of thinking.  Another of my favorites is, “Live healthy, eat right, die anyway.”  That pretty much puts things in perspective.

And it’s not that I’ve got anything against healthy living.  Quite the contrary.  But I think people take this whole concept of aging gracefully to an extreme.  Aging gracefully means passively fitting in with all the people who got there before you.  It means acting your age.  And that’s where I have a problem.  See, I don’t mind gray hair as long as it doesn’t clash with my earrings.

To me, one of the neatest things in the world is older people who have forgotten how old they really are.  They’re no different than anybody else their age.  They wake up in the morning feeling every muscle and joint in their body.  They look in the mirror and see a reflection that isn’t quite what it used to be.  And more often than not, they have to take a handful of pills before breakfast. 

The difference is, they don’t care.  Nobody told them they’re too old to enjoy life, and if anybody did they wouldn’t listen.  These are the people you see riding tandem bicycles in the evening, golfing on weekday mornings, and dancing when there’s no music.  The ones you smile at in spite of yourself, because they seem to have found what we all want – happiness.

I think from the age of about 30 to 42, I allowed myself to fall into that rut of “acting my age.”  I didn’t relate well with my daughters or anybody else their age, and I didn’t really care.  After all, I was here first.  And some day they’d grow up and realize that my generation was right.  About what, I’m not sure.  I just knew we were right.

I’d listen to top 40 music (I use the term loosely) for ten seconds and shake my head, thinking back to the days of Bob Seger and the Doobie Brothers.  Now that was music!  I’d look at the piercings and tattoos and roll my eyes in disgust.  For my oldest, getting my permission to buy a pager (remember those?) was like asking if she could spend the weekend with her boyfriend in Jamaica.  I spent more time answering the question “Why not?” instead of asking the same question myself.  And as a result, I was growing old way before my time.

But something happened that made me realize what I’d been missing.  My grandson was born.  People always told me I was too young to be a grandpa, but I didn’t care.  That was my little buddy.  And he still is.  Now I’ve got a three year-old granddaughter and another one on the way.  And I couldn’t be happier.

And the thing I finally learned is that we go through life thinking we’re teaching these kids what they need to know, but really they’re teaching us.  They’ve taught me to laugh and play a little more.  They’ve taught me to sing a little more.  They’ve taught me to use my imagination a little more.  They’ve taught me to look the other way a little more.  And they’ve taught me to see the magic in life that’s right there in front of us, just waiting to be embraced.

As a result, I’ve found myself feeling and acting just a little younger.  Yes, I wake up in the morning feeling every muscle and joint in my body.  I look in the mirror and see a reflection that’s not what it used to be.  And I have to take a handful of pills before breakfast.  I doubt that’ll ever change.  But what has changed is the way I let it affect me.

On April 5, my wife and I are going to a rock concert.  Bob Seger is in town, and we’re not missing this one.  I know at our age we’re supposed to enjoy the ballet and the opera.  Or maybe we’re supposed to take in an early movie and get to bed by nine.  Or sit around the house watching reruns of Leave It To Beaver.  And if that’s your thing, more power to you.  We’re going to a concert, sixty miles away, on a weeknight.  And we may just get a hotel room and act like a couple of teenagers after the show. 

You see, aging is inevitable.  It begins the day we’re born and it doesn’t stop until the very end.  Our hair will turn gray, our skin will loosen, and our joints will tighten.  But growing old is a matter of personal choice.  It’s been said that we don’t stop laughing because we grow old – we grow old because we stop laughing. 

So here’s my toast for each of you.  May you always be older than you feel, and never act as old as you are really are.  Over the lips and around the gums, look out belly, here it comes!

Copyright 2011 – Dave Glardon

About Health and Humor - by Dave Glardon

Dave Glardon is a writer, speaker, and stand-up comedian. He has written hundreds of articles relating to humor in our world, and has performed for audiences across the entire United States. In this blog, he shares his insights with the goal of helping you achieve a higher level of physical and mental well-being through a healthy sense of humor.
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438 Responses to Would You Stop Acting Your Age?

  1. Ken Glardon says:

    Well, as I always tell people, “I might be 50 but I act more like I’m 12!” I refuse to grow up… even if it kills me!

  2. phyllis ryan says:

    Remember when we were kids and wanted to be older and gladly added the 1/2 when the time came ? well, I am 77 and 1/2 ! and enjoying it ! The handful of pills I take every a.m. are vitamins ! I love jazz music ( mostly Blues ) and play a mean card game. My great-grandson,7, and I play Scrabble and sometimes I win. His father, my grandson, So What is “old “/ invited me to go on a cruise with him and when I declined he made a video of the Jazz Band that I would have loved ! I will go next time !!

  3. Lori Lucero says:

    Growing up is overrated.

  4. “see the magic in life that’s right there in front of us, just waiting to be embraced” is the most lovely thing I’ve read in a while. Rock on!

  5. Beautiful sentiment here, Dave! I can tell you that I’ve always subscribed to the “age is just a number” paradigm…until the last few years.

    Things have been absolutely, incredibly, alarmingly crazy in my life. So much so, that I’ve started blogging about my new reality in order to simply navigate it! I have never felt my age as much as I do now.

    But I, too, refuse to tiptoe safely toward death. I just need to get past the crazies…

    Thanks for the reminder. Great post!

    • Mikalee, there are days when we all feel our age. Sometimes, we have a lot of those days in a row. I think the trick is to enjoy the short breaks we get along the way, and feed on them when things get really bad. Just take a little time to smell the roses, and laugh every chance you get. As long as you have that, you’re still in the game.

      • Absolutely true…

        Heck, if I weren’t laughing, I’d be crying — and I’m a far bigger fan of the wrinkles caused by a good laugh than the puffy eyes that result from a good cry!


  6. hi iam kevin i found reading this very humerous and enjoyed it very much

      • Kimberly Hintz says:

        My friend tells me that age is just a number and we can act anyway we want. I am fifty,turning fifty-one in Jan. Most people I talk to don’t believe me when I tell them my age. They think I am younger because I look younger. I definitely don’t act my age since I don’t know the proper way to act. Some days I have lots of aches and pains and some days I feel great. I have a grandson who will be turning six in Dec., he keeps me thinking young. Thanks for letting me reply. Sincerely, Kimberly

  7. TMarie says:

    Keep on laughin Dave!

  8. sider13 says:

    Well I’m only 18. And to be honest, on the eve of my birthday, only a week ago…I was horrified. I didn’t WANT to grow up, I didn’t WANT society to see me as 18 and now ‘an adult’. Plus, for months I’ve known that turning 18 didn’t mean the world would explode into boring hues, a same day-in, day-out routine, cubliles, and unhappiness. But I’ve accepted -now- that turning 18 was the doorway into a world of change. I’m graduating in a few months, my friends and I are moving to opposite ends of the country, and the 8-3 school routine I’ve known for nearly 12 years is ending. I’m not ready to grow up. I still love coloring books, drawing on windows, watching TV with cold cereal on Saturday mornings, and you can bet that if mom made cookies, and I don’t get one of spinning things (STILL don’t know the name!) I will throw a minor tantrum and I will pout. And–I will still scream for my mom to come kill the spiders.
    It only increased my fear of growing up. But this article has blissfully let me know that I’m not the only one, or the only age group, that doesn’t want to grow up. Thanks for the peace of mind 🙂

    • Thanks for such an insightful comment, along with a reminder of what it was like to be your age. You’re at the beginning of what I hope is a long, happy, and successful journey through life – grab it by the horns and make the most of every experience. You keep coloring and eating cold cereal in front of the TV. Enjoy those simple pleasures. And never forget to laugh at every opportunity. It’ll keep you young, and that’s something we can all use. Even at the ripe old age of 18.

      • charlywalker says:

        Where is it written that it is mandatory to grow up? There are certain age appropriate mandates that may be called upon………
        Ever see Bette Davis as “Baby Jane”?…..

        spread the humor: charlywalker.wordpress.com

    • rjlouise says:

      They’re called beaters. 😉

    • breezyautumn says:

      Girl I totally relate, and I’m 23! Not much changes with “age” except for experience and wisdom… and our bodies (these things that our souls operate with!). A few weeks ago, my grandmother, 85, was briefly in the hospital due to a fractured hip, and she explained to me how she still has the same mind and heart that she has always had, but has her aging body that she must deal with. It really tripped me out! And I remember thinking when I was young that my parents had all the answers because they were ‘grown ups’! Oh how I was wrong! Thank you both for your post and your comment, these kinds of conversations inspire me!

    • I loved hearing about getting older from an 18 year old! Thanks for taking the time to give us your perspective on Dave’s great post.

    • annaringthebell says:

      stay that way forever…Remember : Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional 😉

  9. patty says:

    lovely…remember you don’t have to do most things, you choose to. enjoy the concert!

  10. Chew Yvonee says:

    Totally agree with what you’ve mentioned. I’m turning 21 really soon and this may sound crazy but I think this is some good advice! Why must I be “serious already” just because I am now (or to-be) an adult? Haha.. love it!

    • Somebody once said don’t take life too seriously, because you’ll never get out alive. Make the most of every moment. And laugh!

      • charlywalker says:

        We were all serious in our 20’s..then came the roaring 30’s that lead to the empowered 40’s, which leads to the infamous 50’s…..
        Haven’t reached 60 yet but I’ll let you know, it just keeps getting better….. putting menopause aside……

        spread the humor: charlywalker.wordpress.com

  11. I am old enought to retire . . . to “act my age” as it were. But I am blessed with good health and a younger wife whos age I rather act anyway, so I choose to not hang it up just yet! So here I am again this winter morning, up at 3:00 AM to clear county roads of snow so folks that don’t have a choice can get to work. Keeps me young all the way around. Enjoyed your insights. Glad I found ya!!

  12. J Roycroft says:

    I am 56 years young. When I married my wife, who happens to be nearly half my age, I caught grief from friends. When I introduce my wife to new people I just grin when they give me that look. We have a 2 year old and one due in April. It’s true, you are only as old as you feel. I see older people everyday that look their ages and act their ages. They don’t seem to be very happy that they are aging. My family keeps me happy, healthy, and young. It’s all a matter of being positive about your life. If you live your life dreading the next birthday, guess what, your gonna feel older every year. Great post. Congrats on FP.

  13. Joe Kreydt says:

    I’d love to e-mail this to some people, but they’d probably be offended.

  14. I enjoyed your post. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed.



  15. didiwright says:

    What a liberating approach! I’ve recently reached my mid thirties and I’ve been warned (politely) that it was time for me to act my age. I’m supposed to swap my jeans for knee-high skirts and no longer climb up trees and engage in swinging competitions with my daughter. Some people are complaining that I act (and look, I hope) too young. Luckily, I only take advice from my husband’s 94 year old nan, who still lives life to the full and is due to go on her annual seaside holiday in the next few weeks. Life is too short to play it by conventions and other people’s expectations!

    Congratulations on being FP!


  16. B.C. Young says:

    You make a valid point. You’re as old as you act. I couldn’t agree with you more. Thanks for the viewpoint.

  17. Nice post. It’s great being around the young at heart.

  18. pretty sure “May you always be older than you feel, and never act as old as you are really are” will be my parting words. hopefully quite awhile from now…but ill remember.

  19. rjlouise says:

    Sometimes, as one of the older kids in my family, seeing the babies hit the big milestones that I made such a big deal of is like hitting a brick wall. If they’re growing up, shouldn’t I? From the age of twenty to twenty-two I was convinced that I was old and should probably start trying to act a bit my age.
    Then I realized the babies’ secret: they all had something that was their “young” activity. One had capoeira, another had acting, yet another had free running (and basic reckless behavior), and these wonderful babies were keeping me young with them. They were my “young” activity. I’ve found a few of my own now that they’re off at college and not right at hand to remind me that I’m still old young.
    It’s a wonderful thing to be young with people, as you’ve noted with your grandchildren. Also, to not meet death quietly–or, conversely, to meet life boldly–what a wonderful thought! Thanks for a great way to start the day!

    • And thank you for sharing your insight. I think we all know deep down inside that we need to stay young – it’s just that life can get in the way and before we know it, we’re letting that youth slip away. The nice thing is, it’s never gone forever. We can get it back any time we want.

  20. countoncross says:

    I seem to always act the age of my children…..I spend so much time with them I don’t know how someone my my age is supposed to act.

  21. egills says:

    You know I was thinking about when I might actually feel grown up.. I mean I’m in my 40’s but I really have never felt like I’m growing up. I’m sure I’m supposed to.. but how does that actually feel anyway?
    I’ve definitely felt old in the past few years but that’s from having teenagers and I’m looking forward to recovering from that sympton soon 😀

  22. So well said. Your grandson is lucky indeed to have you!

  23. Great post! I find myself feeling older than I am, often. Maybe I’ll take a spoon full of sugar, this medicine and try to not ‘act my age.’ Inspiring.
    Congrats on Freshly Pressed!

  24. Absolutely LOVED this post! Thank you for sharing it. My Gram had the same attitude about life and getting older. Might be why she lived to 100. She laughed all the time. Sure, she had a hard life and her share of tragedies (who doesn’t) But, she made sure to live more in the moment, meaning she did fun things, truly threw caution to the wind and didn’t care what other people thought. I vividly remember her taking my brother’s dirt bike for a spin in her early 90s! Really blew me away. I strive to live like she did every single day. Thanks for this post and congrats on FP.

  25. analyfe says:

    I’m studying Pscyhology and just yesterday read an scientific article in which they found that environmental cues that signal aging can diminish one’s capacity and shorten one’s lifespan. Examples include: women who feel younger after having their hair dyed look younger (in pictures with their hair cropped out), those who wear uniforms have lower morbidity (they aren’t comparing young and older person’s clothes), men who bald younger feel older and thus have a shorter life span, when spouses have a huge age difference the older person feels younger and the younger feels older (lengthening and shortening lifespans, respectively), and women who bear children later live longer becasue they’re surrounded by younger mothers and thus feel younger themselves. It’s fascinating, but it makes perfect sense! If anyone is interested in reading the article in it’s entirety, I can pass it along.

    Act young, think young, and you’ll live a long and happy life. 🙂

  26. Liz says:

    Awesome post! We all need a reminder to enjoy and live life to the fullest, which means laughing more and not taking ourselves too seriously. I feel so much better when I give into my childrens’ requests for me to dance and play (although I need my adult time too).
    Congrats for being featured on Freshly Pressed!

  27. Nate K. says:

    ‘I know at our age we’re supposed to enjoy the ballet and the opera.’

    Ha! I love the ballet and opera – I’m twenty five! I’d rather go to Tosca than a nightclub anyday, but hell, young doesn’t have to mean dumb, either. Loved this post, congrats on FP!

  28. biographer4you says:

    When my father turned 70, we had a birthday party for him at my brother’s house. As the night wore on, guests were leaving, but he was getting his second and third wind. It was about 10:30 p.m., my brothers and I were lying exhausted on the couch and easy chairs, watching our father teach my sister-in-law a few dancing steps to a CD he had received for his birthday. My brother says wearily, “Dad, could you please act your age?”

  29. larrinski says:

    Nicely thought out post.

    I’m curious why as a parent my kids always get on my nerves, push buttons, and generally misbehave, yet when they go to my parents house, they are good as gold, look to be having loads of fun, and act like angels. The grandparents make it look SO EASY! But, the kicker is that they were quite strict with me growing up. Kind of like me now…

    Is it a mindset that takes time to learn, or is there something else going on?

    • Someone once said, “If I had known grandchildren were so much fun, I’d have had them first.” I think the difference is as we get older, we learn to back off and put things in perspective. My mom always used to say, “Will it matter twenty years from now?” More often than not, the answer is no. So yes, it’s a mindset that we have to learn and even embrace. But you don’t have to be a grandparent to do it.

  30. Ha, pretty funny post. But I’ve got some bad news – going to a Bob Seger concert is not going to make you feel any younger…. everyone there will be old.

    • So if everybody there is old, I guess we’ll all feel pretty young compared to everybody else. I went to an Elton John concert years ago, and the average age there was about 55. I remember two young ladies behind us looking around at all the old farts rocking out with a look of total disbelief. So what if they were serving Geritol and Ensure at the concession stand? We were there to party!

  31. stereoWAVE says:

    That’s a really great article, but isn’t acting your age defined by you? E.g If I’m say 8, and I act like a 44 year old, I am still acting my age? Because my age defines the age I am acting.

  32. caitrionaw says:

    Loved your post. It makes me think of Jenny Joseph’s poem ‘Warning- When I am old I shall wear purple…

  33. Hey, I always act my age, since the meaning of my age is whatever I decided it to be. On any day. At any moment. Congrats on being FP!

  34. maryct70 says:

    Great insight!
    I am 40 years old and am frequently asking myself: how it is that I am old enough to be a Mom, own a house, be a boss? When did that happen?
    I suppose that I act my age, in that I accept the responsibilities that come with it, but I refuse to relenquish the joy of youth! I am reminded of it everytime my 5 yr old laughs out loud when I make a silly face, or tell a generations-old knock-knock joke. Therein lies the fountain of youth for sure!

  35. el34jay says:

    Well said. I sent this link to my parents, and to my friends who recently just had children. Thank you!

    Follow my site @: http://www.crowdtheories.com

  36. Hansolo says:

    LoL if growing up is a crime then we all should be syndicates!

  37. All County Insurance - Brea, California says:

    Great post Dave! Never act your age! Unless you want to…

  38. fireandair says:

    I’ve loved classical music and opera since I was a kid, and my back has ALWAYS been bad. Maybe I don’t care about being 45 because I can’t tell the difference. 🙂 As long as I’m not bored, I’m fine. When aging means being bored, I’ll be in trouble.

    (I love some contemporary music, but it’s all huge 80s stuff, so that ain’t gonna help me connect with Today’s Young People, either.)

    • See, there’s the beauty – pick the music you like. I still love 70s rock, and that’s what I listen to every chance I get. If staying young means I have to appreciate rap, I may have to rethink my strategy.

      • fireandair says:

        I think for me getting older means that I like what I like, and I don’t hide it anymore. Youth means insecurity a lot of times — nowdays, if I want to spend my money to go see an opera in New York and then go hear Dennis DeYoung in concert, I’m gonna do it and I’m not vetting it with anyone else first.

        That’s the real beauty of age — not waiting to make sure it’s okay with everyone else before just being who you are.

  39. Akela says:

    I’m only 19, and I honestly feel no need to act my age. I am not married, I don’t have kids, I don’t work 9-5, and I still live in my parents’ house. My dad still makes me super-tasty breakfasts on Sundays, sometimes I like staying in and watching old movies all day, and sometimes I bust out in Nerf-Gun wars at 3am. Who cares? I completely agree with you; Who decided that after a certain age we can’t have fun anymore? Who decided that we have to act one way just because we’re no longer in the single-digit ages? My parents are as old as most of my friends’ grandparents, and there is a 20 year age difference between my brother and I, but my parents still act MY age, and sometimes I act my brothers age. Sometimes yes, I see them in their true age, bothered by things said or done by my friends and I, but that’s just generational norms talking. My mom is a bigger kid than I am, and I love it!

    Rock on, man!

  40. I’ve got a birthday soon, and this message comes just in time.

  41. ahitagni says:

    Hey, its a great post, liked it a lot. 🙂 i am 22 yrs old, but i will be and i wish everyone should be “18 till i die” !!

  42. gradealpha says:

    I am an adult and I refuse to act my age. They tell me to throw my Doggie away… NEVER!!!

  43. Leah Dotten says:

    Amazing post! I loved the visual I got when you talked about being in the front of the roller coaster yelling “Rock ‘n’ Roll!” That was great.

    For myself, even as a small child, I always felt about 40. So maybe I’ll work on bringing that number down a bit. Thanks for the inspiration.

  44. enjoibeing says:

    im a child at heart. every time my birthday comes along it always doesnt feel like i age much, i always feel young. maybe young at heart

  45. Eclecticandmiscellaneous says:

    I found my first grey hair last year and completely freaked out. My poor students! It was a tough lesson, I was not in the mood… I had found a grey hair in my head!
    And I’m only 26.
    English is not my first language, but ever since I have memory, I’ve defined myself as an ‘old soul’ (the expression is not so common in Spanish); and not because I watch movies and go to bed at nine -I actually party a lot-.
    I think from now on, I’m gonna say I’m an old young soul. Gotta love the oximorons 🙂

  46. whenquiet says:

    I got chill bumps reading your post. Amen brother! From a over 53 year old who jumps up and down when I win something, and gut laugh (until tears pour down)in public about something that is funny(irregardless of who I disturb)! Love it!

  47. TweeCo says:

    When I was a kid, my mom took care of me. And now, she is 50s, she sometimes acts like my daughter!

  48. Steve says:

    I think it was you trade youth for experience or something like that? Or is it the opposite?


  49. Lady Be Kind says:

    I once had a friend that would constantly make comments about how old she was. More so, how old she felt. After the 50th time I concluded that what she was really trying to say, as an insult to older people, was that she was cranky, tired, and generally not very nice.

    I now try to find friends who are always young at heart.

  50. Jodylynn says:

    Very much enjoyed your post! Most of my friends and I turn 40 this year, and we have decided…no, no, no we will not succumb to the idea of growing “old” … whatever that means these days. We still love Areosmith, we still love our girls night outs, and we still love listening to Jimmy Buffet during the summer time, wearing our flamingo hats drinking Margaritas…and I don’t think it will ever change! A friend of mine turns 50 this year and he just bought Lady Gaga tickets! LOL Hey…whatever makes you young and happy! 🙂 Enjoy your concert!

    • A fellow Parrot Head! This is getting better by the minute!

      Somebody said 40 is the new 30. By my way of thinking, that means 50 is the new 20. You and your friends keep doing exactly what you’re doing. It’ll keep you young, vibrant, and fun to be around. And who doesn’t want that?

  51. chlost says:

    I needed this. Thanks!

  52. chaiashriver says:

    Oh my. I love this post. Too true. Very cute anectodal inputs there as well. ❤ Awesome.


  53. Larry Arbuckle says:

    Dave, nice to read your post on a Friday afternoon. There is a 60 year old guy? in Southern Ontario / who travels the 401 Hwy with Bob Seger cranked to the max. His vains are bulging from his neck singing “Hollywood Nights” Yes, you quessed it that guy is me. If you have humour you have health. You should hear me sing Like a Rock {brutal}.

  54. ssarah24 says:

    Okay, I’m not as seasoned as you are, Dave, but I agree nonetheless. I graduated from college recently and turned 25 yesterday. Apparently I’m supposed to be working a steady job and concerning myself with only things like paying bills and making responsible decisions. That’s fine, but I’m still going to watch my cartoons and act silly with my friends if I want. Why does life have to “end” as soon as you’re out of college?

    • Well, I never went to college so I guess I can’t answer that one except to say life doesn’t end as long as you’re still breathing. If you can wake up in the morning, blow your breath on a mirror, and fog it up … you’re still in the game.

      • ssarah24 says:

        Haha I agree! I guess I should’ve said, why do we have to start acting like “adults” (whatever that is) as soon as we’re 21+? Also, forgot to congratulate you for being FP! 🙂

  55. Brilliant post, congratulations on being Freshly Pressed. 🙂

  56. Janet says:

    I had a crappy childhood, and my adult years have been full of responsibility – marriage, divorce, putting myself through college, and raising two boys by myself. A few years ago, I realized I still wasn’t having any fun. My kids are grown and out on their own, I thought by now I could relax a little and have some fun, but I wasn’t. So I decided I would live my life backwards. I’m looking forward to my irresponsible teenage years – the ones I never had, but will have now!

  57. veritymae says:

    But don’t forget – sometimes we youngsters need you adults to act your age and be responsible so that we can act ours, lest we all tear down the structure of society with our nonchalance and fancy free. Somebody needs to keep this ship running smoothly.

  58. Julie says:

    When some of my school mates in their twenties turned into their parents, it was scary. Had they given up? Gone were the tee shirts and on were the polo button-ups. They went home early to watch T.V. They went to bed at reasonable hours. They got a job that they hated but have decided to stick with for the next thirty years. When they have worked into their 70’s and their bodies are broken, it is time to retire. Then they get to enjoy the life that they worked so hard for.

    Personally, I feared growing boring like that. I’d like to enjoy some spontaneity in between those times. I exercise my mind with books, classes, and new hobbies. I’d like to take up drumming someday. One of my goals is to have mini retirement adventures throughout life. Oh and children do remind you how to have fun. My niece and nephew are a blast. I get to be the “fun” aunt because I actually play with them. My boyfriend saw them open presents at Christmas. He hadn’t seen the excitement of kids Christmas morning for a long time. It’s pretty special. So my point is that if you don’t enjoy your life, change it now. Life is too short to wait to start living.

  59. randolf says:

    “Laugh at every opportunity.”

    I love that. Thanks for the great read!

  60. Carol Rives says:

    First congrats on being “Freshly Pressed”!! 🙂 Secondly, I love your philosophy on aging, or should I say, not aging. The more that I don’t act my age, the more fun I have and isn’t that what we all should be doing with this life we have – enjoy it and have fun… live it to its fullest potential. Thanks for sharing your insight and making me laugh along the way!!! I will share this post with my father ~ he will love it, as his mantra is: “live a little”, which translates to “Have a BIG time with life”.

  61. Ashley Kimler says:

    Great Post! Your words kept me engaged the whole way through. I won’t be a grandparent for quite some time, since my oldest son is only 9 years old, but I could still relate. One of my favorite things about being a parent is being able to see the world through the eyes of my little ones. It like being regenerated on a daily basis – that is, when I’m not exhausting myself chasing them around!
    Thanks for that insight there!

  62. makingup3000 says:

    I agree with your post 110%. I love it. I always admit that “yes….yes…..I am immature”. I think that keeps me younger than most things. And my goal at work is to make my coworkers laugh as much as I can. Especially with remarks that they would not expect to come out of my mouth. A little shock value just to see that look on their face makes me crack up. I love your saying….“Live healthy, eat right, die anyway.” Great post!!!

  63. kbomb78 says:

    What a Great Post I find myself getting into those ruts and in general turning into my mother (EWWWWWWWW!) I Think I shall try to absorb some of your attitude and use in my life. Im only 32 for Cripes sake!

  64. Monica says:

    Loved this post, Dave, thanks for sharing your thoughts. As I’m approaching the big
    4-0 this summer, the topic of “age” has been on my mind for awhile now. I no longer see the young girl in the mirror I used to be. but she’s still in there! I find myself having so much more respect for people over 40 who have lived through so much. I’m noticing more often how the public puts an emphasis on youth as beautiful, but really, as I age I’m finding true beauty in the “scars” of life — the ups and downs we’ve had to experience, the crow’s feet from laughing too much, the saggy tummy from the baby’s we’ve given birth to, the wrinkled hands from washing too many dishes– signs of living. I’m embracing growing up and find it an adventure, a story that keeps adding new chapters. As far as I’m concerned, you can hang up your hat and say “I’m tired of it all,” or you can put a new hat on and look forward to what else is on the horizon. 🙂

  65. Monica says:

    Loved this post, Dave, thanks for sharing your thoughts. As I’m approaching the big 4-0 this summer, the topic of “age” has been on my mind for awhile now. I no longer see the young girl in the mirror I used to be. but she’s still in there! I find myself having so much more respect for people over 40 who have lived through so much. I’m noticing more often how the public puts an emphasis on youth as beautiful, but really, as I age I’m finding true beauty in the “scars” of life — the ups and downs we’ve had to experience, the crow’s feet from laughing too much, the saggy tummy from the baby’s we’ve given birth to, the wrinkled hands from washing too many dishes– signs of living. I’m embracing growing up and find it an adventure, a story that keeps adding new chapters. As far as I’m concerned, you can hang up your hat and say “I’m tired of it all,” or you can put a new hat on and look forward to what else is on the horizon. 🙂

  66. Athena says:

    When (or if) I grow up… I want to be YOU! Loved this so much I linked it in my blog today and passed it along to some people I think could take a page from your book. In my early 20s I had near panic attacks about my age…Now in my late 20s, I’m learning to embrace that age IS only a number, and I even feel like I LOOK younger than I did 6 or 7 years ago. I think a healthy balance of cartoons, chocolate milk, and always celebrating April Fool’s Day are key.
    Party on, Dave! And congrats on the FP

  67. Pingback: Inventing Your Dream Job « Breaktime Buddies

  68. What a great post! I am fast-approaching 30, and having some age issues I never imagined having when I was younger. Thank you for the wonderful reminder that life is what I make it, at any age. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  69. Daniel says:

    Great read, Dave. I was just reading similar thoughts by Lewis Black the other day in one of his books. The way he described growing older but acting however you feel was worded a little more “colourfully” than how you put it, but it was the same message, and I agree with both of you!

  70. I just turned thirty! I was terrified at first but now realize how great it is to finally be free of worrying about making others happy, writting papers for achool and living on a student bugdet! It’s great to be at a time in my life where I can have a lot of fun with no hang up- and I hope that as the years go by the good times will still be coming! Have a great time at the concert!

    • See Rosalie, about the time other people think it’s time to quit having fun and get to work, you’re ready to start living and having even more fun. That’s what it’s all about. And yes, we will definitely enjoy the concert. This will be like a trip back in time, because the last time we saw Bob Seger live was in 1978 when we had just started dating. I wonder if he’s feeling his age???

  71. neverending1 says:

    I act like a kid when I”m around my young nephews and nieces. The adults will usually sit around and do nothing. The kids are running around having the time of their life. It’s not something I want ot miss.

  72. matthubbard says:

    Great column! Reminded me of one of my favorite taglines: “I may grow old, but I will never grow up!”

  73. Ali says:

    Well written Write-up. Glad i am able yo locate a site with some knowledge plus a great writing style.
    You keep publishing and i will continue to Keep browsing

    Thanks Again

  74. willbt says:

    Fine to say so, for a joke and rhetorically. “Grandma just LOVES to take her young ones out and “act their age” for a day at the theme park!

    But, consider this: my progressive city is building a fine, new public library designed by a forward-thinking architect. In the new library Childrens’ areas will be virtually ‘fire-walled’ – physically separated and soundproofed – from adult spaces. “Adult” values are to be bulwarked against youngsters “acting their age.”

    Quiet. Peacefulness. Neatness. Thoughtful Repose – will be behaviours protected on the Adults-Only floors of the new edifice. There will be a Meditation Room – For Adults Only. HALLELUJAH!

    So I would say to those spry, bouncy elders out there revelling in acting their grand-kids’ ages : “Would you kindly START acting your age when in the library?”

    …a time and a place for everything! BRING ON my new library!

  75. Woomie says:

    🙂 Thanks so much for this. My birthday is coming up and I was a little sad about aging. So this brings me so much comfort. Thanks 🙂

  76. mamanne says:

    My hubby and I had our only child later in life, so most of our “peer group” (read: parents of our kid’s friends) are at least 10 years younger than us…. sometimes we forget how old we are! And I suppose that’s not a bad thing….

  77. Currie Rose says:

    I agree, being a grown up is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over rated. 🙂

    I love your writing and your willingness to be open-minded which lends itself to truly valuable insights.

    Thank you.

  78. Great posting, Dave !. I love this. I am 46 – Sometimes I act my age some time I don’t. Especially when I have times with my 2 children (8 & 10 years old) during weekend, I act as I am one of their friends. Laughing, dancing, playing any kids game etc with them. I & my children really enjoy it .
    The only thing that bother me a bit, is when my son said to me and laughing “You are the craziest mum I have ever seen in the world!!. Other mum don’t do it”
    Oohh. Am I?

  79. Andrea Avena says:

    I really enjoyed this post, this sums my grandparents up!

  80. techplusinc says:

    Most people say that I’m 38 going on 12. Like one of the above comments, I’m not really a top 40’s type a guy. I’m a 80’s guy. That type of music really takes me back. I beleive that we should have our responsible moments but I think that it is ok to act immature every now and then. To me that is what makes life a little more interesting and enjoyable.

  81. Excellent blog! This sums ME up!
    I am a new blogger – enjoying trying to find people blogging about age !

  82. rtcrita says:

    I’ve never understood why people get so hung up on age and aging. I try not to think about my age and more about living. I want to be happy and laugh and love while I’m here. There seem to be so many things (including doctors that like to scare you into feeling old and near death–shame on them!) that try to be an obstacle to all of that fun and happiness we should be having — and have certainly earned by a certain age!
    Kids are a wonderful reminder of all of that, too. So glad you know that, and, you’re right; They teach us, we don’t teach them. 🙂

  83. rtcrita says:

    Oh, and enjoy that Bob Seger concert! Hope you and your wife dance like teenagers and … well, you know the rest!

  84. thefengshuidiva says:

    I do not look my age, but my arthritis will remind me. I don’t want to act my age…but what is the right way to act anyways ?. I think it’s great to surround yourself with young kids, you get to do the things, you may have not gotten to do as a kid yourself! So go for it; be as silly as you like! Bravo I say!

  85. zephyrliving says:

    Your post is oh, so sweet. Having children and grandchildren really does put things in perspective, doesn’t it? Thanks for the reminder that age is just a number and that while we may have to grow up, we don’t have to give up. Peace, T.

  86. Loved your post. I can relate being in my 50’s with 3 grandson’s. We have to grasp and enjoy what we have now cause it goes so fast right? My Dad told me this when I turned 49, he said”Be happy with 49 because next year you will wish you were 49″. I think about that every Birthday 🙂 Congrats on your Freshly Pressed thats great!!!!

  87. I’m going to be 46 in July and I think one thing that has contributed to me staying and feeling young is that after all these years I STILL don’t know what I want to be when I grow up!

  88. jillfeyka says:

    Age happens. In context of situation, I would say it matters but feeling good is important, so cheers to those young at heart, or old in soul!

    Congrats on being FP! Great post!

  89. That was an excellent post. I think I find myself losing perspective since I don’t have any kids yet, and forget what it means to let go and have fun. It looks like you can bring back all the best parts of being a kid, without bringing back the parts you’d rather leave behind.

  90. Great perspectiv. Thank you for sharing.

  91. My roommate and I are both in our early 30’s and we discuss all the time how we don’t feel even close to being 30.. While everyone else my age is complaining about not being in their 20’s anymore and rapidly fitting themselves into labeled boxes for the 30’s-40’s, we simply enjoy our lives as they are and not worry about keeping up with our age group in other areas of life such as marriage and children.. I look forward to getting older and being the crazy aunt who had all the adventures 🙂

    Really enjoyed your blog!


  92. Uncommonnonsence says:

    I love your outlook on life, and completely agree with you life is for living and enjoying . it is so refreshing to hear someone speak about age in a positive way and also of the struggles to get to that happy life. As someone who is experiencing first hand a father who is going through a stage of not relating to, respecting and generally being nasty to the rest of his family I hope that one day he will see his way through to a life where he finds happiness in the small things. thank you for your humor and honesty.

    • I hope your father can find that happiness also. I’ve often told my daughters I’ll apologize for any time I hurt their feelings, but I’ll never apologize for doing the best job I could. That said, I wish I had those years back when we were at such opposite ends of the rope. But for what it’s worth, we have a solid relationship now, so it can be mended. It’ll take a lot of work from both of you, but it’s worth it in the end. Best of luck.

  93. you should go to neverland… where youll never get old!! congrats on being freshly pressed!

  94. Generation 26 says:

    This was a nice blog:)
    I’m pretty young..really young, but sometimes I feel like I’m at least 70
    I’m proud to say I don’t act my age though. People my age annoy me.

  95. charlywalker says:

    Acting my age….hmmm.. if I did that right now I would be in a retirement center duct taped to a wheel chair drooling instead of raising a teenage son and chasing my dog. I don’t have time to stop and count upward….

    spread the humor: charlywalker.wordpress.com

  96. ournote2self says:

    You’re never too old to have fun. I say throw caution to the wind and have a good time. You only live once!

  97. pax says:

    hello Mr. Dave.
    I’m only 19 but I did enjoy this one.
    Really, I feel so fortunate to have read this.
    It’s good to embrace ethos while we are young.
    I do hope that those cynical folks who can’t stop criticizing child-like optimism and so eccentric to believe that our generation will do nothing but mistakes (and that their generation is the best) will be able to read this also.
    Aging gracefully with my Lord,

    • Pax, here’s the deal. Your generation is our future. You are the ones we look to with hope for a brighter tomorrow because so far we haven’t done all that great a job. But the thing is, you’ll make mistakes and that’s okay. I’ve always said the only way to avoid making mistakes is to go through life doing nothing. You can’t make a mistake without making an effort, so get out there and try something new. And don’t worry about the cynics – you just keep that childlike optimism. My generation is counting on you to do that.

      • pax says:

        Thank you for believing.
        I’m sailing beyond the gaze of my mind.
        The best thing about being young is that we know we have a lot of things to learn…and have ample time for doing so.
        Let me borrow James Joyce’ words about mistakes:
        “A man’s errors are his portals of discovery.”

  98. philldotcom says:

    Advice taken! I’m 21 though. I wonder how “young” I should be acting lol

  99. srqpix says:

    In a way I wish I had grown up a little. I honestly believe some of my life stinks because I didn’t grow up a little and now I don’t know how to get back what I missed. But I will say this sometimes I go around all day saying “…and for my next trick!”

    • Okay, but there’s a difference between growing up and growing old. Try to keep the two in perspective. Growing up means taking on adult responsibility, putting food on the table, paying bills, staying out of jail, and leaving this world just a little better than you found it. We can do all of that without growing old. With that behind us, what IS your next trick?

  100. Grumpa Joe says:

    I like to think I am thirty something, but I am seventy something. There is a difference.
    Acting thirty when you are seventy sucks. The mind and body are not always in synch.

  101. smilesndreams says:

    I love the last paragraph of your blog! I do believe age is just a number and you are only as old as you feel. Great post!

  102. Wonderful posting. I hope I can remain attentive and acceptive to the changing times as I age, as you have so gracefully done. Thank you for sharing.

  103. 55am says:

    Well said! And I completely agree! I too share the same mentality (always stay young – because its where happiness and fun lie!) since college. Since the first signs of gray hair are barely showing up, I can only tilt my head back and laugh – because its funny! Personally I don’t really care, and as I’m trying to tell my mom (who’s in her mid 50’s) that age shouldn’t really matter – its how much fun you are having in life!

  104. Great reminder for all of us, even for those who think young. Like me! Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  105. Rob Nusbaum says:

    Great post! Growing older doesn’t bother me. Acting old is a different story. I refuse to ‘act my age’. My knee still hurts sometimes from that time in 2007 when I was running through the backyard pushing a wheelbarrow with my 6 year old grandson in it. Hit a hole and over we went. You should have heard the laughter in the doctor’s office when they were discussing the cause of my injury. I was laughing too, and I still do!
    Congrats on FP.

  106. Tee says:

    Amen! Even at my age, I’m always looking for a new form of mischief. You’re never too old to get in just a wee bit o’ trouble. 🙂 There’s no harm in that. I’m an Eagles fan myself. Good music though!

  107. Pingback: Review/Reconnect happy « outofmymindbackin5minutes

  108. elmer says:

    HI Dave! Great post! You know, I’m only 5 years old with 37 years of experience.

  109. Visionary says:

    My dad always swore he’d never get old. He still plays at the Volleyball nationals for his age group every year. He plays soccer, hockey, softball, and football. He goes hiking and takes long bike rides. He introduced me to some of my favorite bands, and still listens to music that’s popular today. He’s quite trendy for his age in that respect, but it’s because he knows what he likes.

    To me, my dad is an inspiration. With a seven-year-old granddaughter and two younger grandsons, many people are expecting that he’d be old and gray, sitting at home, maybe playing a few rounds of golf. He wouldn’t be able to talk all the new video games with my boyfriend, that’s for sure, but to me, that’s just my dad. I hope I can say the same thing by the time I’m his age with grandkids of my own.

    We’re supposed to look at older generations getting old and think, “I won’t be like that when I’m older.” People like you and my dad aren’t like that. I hope to be like you when I’m older. I hope to be like my dad. It’s people like you that show me that growing old isn’t about losing every sense of fun and excitement. It’s about continuing to live, only with more stories to share!

  110. Lydia says:

    Thank you for this article. I quite agree and I refuse to go along with the general pattern of many people that dictates that as you grow older you necessarily become humorless. Keep laughing!!

  111. Bleh, I was miserable when i was young, miserable now and will be miserable when i’m old. So what difference does it make what age i act?

  112. elenamusic says:

    Great post! I sometimes do things that are younger than my age and I act silly. I think it’s good to hold onto that person you used to be as a kid. There’s some innocence that you don’t want to lose.

  113. My husband and I realized we hadn’t been to a concert in several years, remedied that a couple of weeks ago and are planning out our year based on how much fun we can have! I’ll be 40 this fall and ‘all I did was blink’. We sang at the top of our lungs (I had a sore throat for days;) and danced around like we were 18 again! My attitude has been so light and happy since. Tonight I found a card I never sent to my brother who passed away 10 years ago – life is TOO short to be ‘old’. Glad your were FP’d so we all could enjoy your energy!

  114. Sarah says:

    I was always afraid to grow up. I’m almost 19 and I still have my childish moments, daydreaming and trying to do the favourite activities I enjoyed as a kid. When you mentioned that your grandson is your little buddy, that really touched me. My poppy was my best mate and when he died my childhood ended in a way. He represented it in a lot of ways.

    I’ve noticed that somewhere between her teenage years and becoming a mother to me, my mum lost her ability to connect with me on a non-grown up way. It’s left me vowing that I’ll try to be as youthful of mind for my children of the future. I wonder though if I can keep that promise and whether anyone else has felt this way? It’s the fear of losing those distinct memories of childhood and the trialling times of adolescence, further creating the typical lack of understanding with your own children/teenagers.

    • Like I said in the blog, I lost that ability to connect with my kids for about 12 years. I knew what was best for them, and they were going to do it my way. When my grandson was born, I found an inner peace, and that gave me the ability to accept my girls for who they are instead of who I wanted them to be.

      Yes, you can definitely keep that promise. But like everything in life, you have to work at it and keep track of your progress. If people are immediately drawn to you, young and old, you’re on the right track.

  115. 李加恒 says:

    i do’t want to gorw up.

  116. Russell "Master Culpepper" Gulliver, Whitton, North Lincolnshire, UK says:

    We should act our age sometimes however they’re times when you can act a little crazy just because the situation calls for it. We can never take life too seriously it’s all about being secure about yourself and not caring what other people think; since in this world as long as you’re happy nothing else really matters.

    Life is for living, gaining experiences both good and bad. People who try and please other people or follow the accepted “norm” will not take chances, will not experience the thrill or excitement of what life really has to offer. You can’t please everyone since this would be impossible.

    That’s all.

    Russell “Master Culpepper” Gulliver, Whitton, North Lincolnshire, UK

  117. johnlmalone says:

    My best writing , well that which I get paid for, is childrens poetry: the poems have a quirky humorous appeal; I try this also in my blogs : some work wonderfully but others — especially my most recent — fails miserably. I like your stuff. you remind me of David Sedaris

  118. Haha! Great post, great advice! With three little ones I often forget to just become like them, soak them up, and enjoy! Thanks SO much for the reminder.

  119. bearrunner says:

    Great blog, great post ! None of us want to grow up, but time goes by so quickly, we dont have a choice !

  120. Van11 says:

    Great post! I think it’s the opposite if you’re younger; I’m in my 20s and I’m always being told to act older. Where do you draw the line?

  121. Rochana Bandara says:

    Wow…I love this post….You must be a cool grandpa for your grand kids…

  122. bookjunkie says:

    I am 40 but I still feel and act 22 and wonder if that is ok. Sometimes I gripe about the problem with kids these days and long for the good old days like I’m 80….and I really needed this post!!! brilliant, just brilliant 🙂

  123. Rio says:

    I like being an adult. I wish there were more around.
    I enjoyed your article.
    “Joyful play” is important even for adults, however, it doesn’t mean people should be childish, particularly when it comes to caring for actual children. Tolerance, patience, compassion, generousity and wisdom are valuable aspects of being adult. They can be qualities to aspire to as adults.
    As for the elderly, it is difficult to maintain the better qualities of their nature if they feel sick and tired all the time. We should remember that this. We need to encourage children to be kind to their grandparents even if they are grumpy.

    • It’s all about balance. There are times when we need to put on the adult hat, and there are times when we can act like a kid. It’s the people who have forgotten how to be young that worry me.

      And yes, we should teach kids to respect the elderly and remember that sometimes grumpy comes from a lot of physical pain and confusion that is a natural part of getting old. But I think we need to remind those grumpy folks from time to time that everybody around them isn’t quite that old. We all have to share this world together – young and old alike.

      • Rio says:

        As someone who cares for a 90 year old mother, I can say she is very aware that most people are not that old! But I do understand your meaning. However it is easier to educate children about old people than to educate old people about children, unfortunately. And if children understand they will not take the responses of their elderly relative as being a reflection on themselves but perhaps instead an indication that the elder might need a hug!

        Appreciating balance is part of growing up. Childhood is not a hat.

      • You’re right – it is easier to educate the children. But having watched this first-hand, I have to say the kids still don’t come away unscathed. After a while, they do take it personally. Not as much a reflection on themselves, but a reflection on how the older person feels about them. And it does take a toll.

        Still, that wasn’t my point as much as the fact that we don’t have to accept certain things as “part of” growing old. We make certain choices in our lives, and this is just one of them.

        Thanks for sharing. And God bless you for caring for your mother. My mother-in-law has been with us almost a year, and it certainly isn’t easy. Worth it? Yes. But definitely not easy.

  124. I think age is as important as we let it affect us & every age group has its own charm. Being in early 20’s is different from being a kid, it was fun & free in its own way. As years pass by, the past become memories I’d rather have them and remember the good of them while I move on in life to experience much more than whining aging. I believe that growing up is used in a specific meaning when it is a very broad term that encompanses so much more than just aging.

  125. musicsparks says:

    One of my favorite parts of working in nursing homes these past 25+ years is having people understand what I mean when I say, “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.” They tell me that it is okay to try things, to enjoy.

    My favorite work if groups with those over age 65 and preschoolers. It makes for a playful group. Both groups seem to understand each other with no explanation required.

  126. D.A. Smiley says:

    I feel really lucky to have read this post. I can’t think of a better way to start my weekend then to wake up and read something like this. I’m only 28 and I can relate to a lot of the things you mentioned. Sounds like it’s about time to look around and enjoy what’s here and have fun while I can.

  127. septhykusuma says:

    I’m female and going to be 19. I was also terrified and I didn’t want to grow up. But I like when you shared the words: “we don’t stop laughing because we grow old – we grow old because we stop laughing.” thank you 🙂

  128. nikayuedan says:

    I love this post! I’m 32, single, child-free and traveling is my passion. But everyone around me wants to know “when do I plan to grow-up”. I AM a grown-up, just on my own terms. I kind of felt alienated in regards to my feelings, but reading your post has renewed my spirit! Thanks so much!

  129. candid says:

    Sums up my philosophy exactly.

  130. lyleandpaige says:

    I’m only 21, but I catch myself acting old sometimes…I guess it may be overcompensating for everyone thinking I look 12. Anyway, some of the times when I laugh and have the most fun is when I get together with my mom and grandma. When we get together it sounds like a group of teenage girls at a slumber party because there’s so much laughing 🙂

    Loved your post. Congrats of being Freshly Pressed!

  131. Pingback: Would You Stop Acting Your Age? (via Health and Humor) « unlikely stories

  132. gingerclub says:

    I really liked this post. I am in the transition phase but I never felt my age. I would rather get comments like “wow, you are way younger”. I guess, it is not because I am so conscious about age. I am more conscious about my health, my happiness and to have things in my life which interest me and cheer me up.
    I recently went to California, where I met people at the age of 85 driving their Harley Davidson, playing tennis and having a strong sense of humour. Maybe that is really the secret.
    Sure, I notice wrinkles and my students run much faster than I do, but hey… they probably are lamer when they get older. I hate all this hype about “aging or anti-aging”, maybe we should think more about “living” and laughing for that sake!

  133. Dave, I love how many people with fewer than 30 years were touched by what you wrote. That’s so interesting to me. You certainly hit a topic that resonates. I am so impressed with your diligence in responding to comments! Thank you for reminding us of the lesson to act young and we will be young.

  134. Storm says:

    Viva la having fun! Here’s to the sticks-in-the-mud still learning, and the Kids-at-heart who already learned (And the ‘Lost’ Boys and Girls who refuse to grow up! XD ) !

    -One very impressed Lost Girl.

  135. starrypawz says:

    Great article. I’m 18 and remember many times being told I’m ‘mature for my age’ however I’m someone who can one day act all old and serious (I swear some days I’m 18 going on 50… and I admit I pull the occassional ‘in my day’ or ‘kids these days’ ) and other days I can act extremley stupid like I’m 7 (normally when in the presence of my best friend)
    I like the old phrase of ‘Grow old, not grow up’ I try to keep to it.

  136. I’m 55 and totally appreciate your view. Life is too short and we make it shorter by acting old …..plus it is not very fun. I run 1/2 marathons, lift weights, golf, frizbee golf, play drums, Zumba and ride a Harley. How’s that for convincing myself daily that I am not geting old?

  137. There are (at least) two types of child behaviour: The childish and the childlike.

    Reading comics, eating corn dogs, and visiting theme parks are all examples of childlike behaviours. They can also be childish, but there is no automatic connection. In contrast, it is childish e.g. to not even try to see others perspectives, to lack self-insight, to be prideful, to have an under-developed moral thinking, …

    Far too many fail to realise the distinction, considering comics a sign of childishness and being oblivious to the true problems—in particular, among those who considers themselves “adults” or “mature”…

  138. I agree 100% Dave! Why spend our substantive years pathetically fighting what nature and instinct have dictated for us? I’m not saying we should stop plucking our chin hairs and burn our extra supportive bras, I just think that the key to enjoying our age must be based at least partially on our willingness to give in and embrace the natural progression of our lives with a fun-loving spirit, and the ability to laugh at it all.

  139. Beffy says:

    I love this post 🙂 I’m still young myself, but why can’t I stay silly and fun forever? My grandparents certainly don’t act their own age!

  140. discodes4468 says:

    Nice post… Particularly liked the quote: “I refuse to tiptoe through life, taking no chances…” Well written… very liberating… particularly for those getting on in years.

  141. honjii says:

    I have always loved this quote, though I don’t know who said it first: How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?

  142. kinkileaki says:

    such a lovely site you have created I am 32 young years old [? think]And I Can still do back flips an splits.woo hooo

  143. Harold says:

    Let the body grow older! I’m staying mentally young! If the body helps out that’s great! Congrats on being FP!

  144. Growing old is a matter of choice? Really!!! Okay, then….I CHOOSE not to grow old. Wait….just grew a few seconds older. Let me try this again…did I miss the magic word or something? A few more seconds older…hmmm…must figure this out….arrrgh!…more seconds ticking by…..help!

  145. Maria says:

    Would You Stop Acting Your Age? is a GREAT post. My favorite, “Who decided that after a certain number of birthdays, we’re no longer supposed to have fun? With all of the money being spent in this country by people trying to look younger, you’d think a few more would try a little harder to act younger. It’s free, and nothing covers wrinkles like a smile. ”

    You hit the nail on the head. Thnx!

  146. Great blog. My personal philosophy has always been “Idon’t mind getting old, I’m just not going to grow up – I don’t like adults”. Now at the age of 29 years and 372 months I happily realise I’ll never go through a second childhood – I’ll never finish the first one.

  147. jcelmi says:

    Absolutely, it’s an interesting theme. All you said is true. the secret is to discover the beauty from the age and enjoy it every day 🙂


  148. angelinaaim says:

    healthy life is a life full of humor, I agree with you, and always make you successful greeting progressive persist and find a more refreshing humor inspiration

  149. This is what my mom used to tell me, when I was small she said you are too young for that, when I’m all grown up she told me that I’m to old for that thing. So when will it be right? LOL

  150. This was truly wonderful to read. I’ve spent a good deal of time wondering when I’ll want to stop getting older and start wishing I were younger. (I figure that’ll happen once I’ve been in and out of college.) People always said I mature when I didn’t want to celebrate my birthdays, but it was really because I just didn’t want to look back later and have to think “Look at all the time I wasted celebrating getting older . . . and now I’d give anything to be just a few years younger.”

    I was reading a chapter of my favorite manga (Japanese comic books) series a while ago and I got to an interesting scene. One of the characters who was pretty old said “This whole ‘aging thing’ really isn’t too great, but the wisdom you gain along the way is the best thing about it.” I study Japan and Japanese in all my spare time and I’ve decided that I want to major in their language and culture when I go to college next year (even though a lot of people would say it’s too soon decide what I want to major in). One of the really big differences between American culture and Japanese culture is that they respect elderly people (though, to me, it might be a little too much, at times) whereas Americans worship youth and being young (which is really disturbing when you think about it for a while – especially when you consider that *everyone* is going to become old, at least, physically).

    I wish that we could find a balance somewhere between those two cultural ideals. I wish that we were all taught that older people aren’t dumb or useless. They’ve learned so many things because they’ve had so much time to learn them! That doesn’t mean that we should have to agree with everything they say. (Grumpy older people & older people who get really annoyingly set in their ways and think everyone else should be set in that same way are very irritating, but I think most older people aren’t like that.) I’ve never really heard anyone say things like you said, but I think you’re right. You may be old, but you don’t have to act that way. So I’m going to try to listen to what older people have to say, but still hope that they can act like they’re not their age. And, for now, I guess I’ll continue wishing I were just a bit older (wishing my life away, right?), but when I get old enough that I really start wishing I was little again, I’ll try to remember that it’s not my age that defines me but how I act. And, if I can act not my age, then maybe, I’ll be able to be an altogether happier person in the end.

    I know that was reeeeeally long and disorganized (practically every sentence was about something different) and a lot of it probably wouldn’t seem related to this post (unless, of course, you’re me & you’re probably not ^^;; ), but I just couldn’t think of a better way to put any of it. xD I don’t think I was able to say anything in a way that really got across what I was actually trying to say, but I hope some of it got through. ^^;

    • This isn’t English Comp, and nobody will grade your work here. I think you said a lot, and it’s right on the money. Older people should be respected for their experience and knowledge, but I think we need to remove those cultural expectations that older people should act old. As I said in the post, a lot of money is being spent by people trying to look young, but acting young is free and it goes a lot deeper than makeup or plastic surgery. A good surgeon can make almost anybody look young, but if they still act like an old fart, what’s the use?

  151. Saroj Thakur says:

    Thanks for such a good post. I learnt that, sadly, I, too, was playing my age though I was not feeling my age! 🙂 Now on let the world, or the people around me, say what they like, I would play the age that I feel! Thanks for a wonderful post.

  152. reneenomore says:

    I really enjoyed reading your post. When I was pregnant and older man was at the park with his granchildren and they were playing with my older daughter and we got to talking. He said that his grandchildren changed his life also, infact he used the words “If I knew grandchildren were this much fun, I would have had them first”!
    I hope you continue to act your shoe size and not your age for many years to come.
    Congrats on being freshly pressed too!!

  153. Jack La Lanne, fitness guru was an amazing man who never acted his age. For me, I am not getting any older; everybody else just seems to be getting younger.

  154. I’m so young to read this blog as it is written by one grandpa probably meant for grandpas only but as said the author is not believing in age so he must be yong at heart so far then we are equal….. 🙂 Just kidding… Great stuff to read here..I’m delighted …. Thanks for bringing smile continuesly on my face, while reading…. Great going … & we are young and we are strong….. Thanks buddy … 🙂

  155. MrCastano says:

    Very well said ! people get too caught up in their age , I’m 23 and act like a 23 year old, but I never forget my Imagination and why not act a different age sometimes. Too old too serious, too young too immature .. Oh well .. I can do what I want lol .. its my Mentality. http://www.mrcastano.wordpress.com ..

  156. DAVE RODDEN says:

    i’m 56 and feel as healthy as i did in my 20’s and 30’s.no aching bones or muscle aches,no fat pot belly keeping me breathless when i walk the treadmill each day.i began to hang out with people younger than myself when i was 30 as i married a girl that was 18.from then on i never got along with people my own age.(people who built shrines to the 70’s.)

    i fell in love with MTV in 1981 while my friends were still listening to crosby stills nash and young.they had no use for the 80’s while i embraced it(and younger women as well.)here i am at 56 with a 35 year old girlfriend and into flyleaf,evanescence and weezer and green day,etc…i don’t feel 56 why should i feel like i have to act like an old grandpa.Ifeel sorry for my friends who think it’s weird that i ride the rides at the theme parks and that i’m into current rock music and people in their 30’s. but then again,most of my ‘same age’ friends have problems with their legs or hips or neck or back some other part of their body and can’t do alot of the active thngs i do..what a beech.

    • Good for you Dave. I think hanging around with younger people can be a great way to stay young. But there are older people who act just as young, so for people who don’t have a lot of young friends, that’s okay. Just find some who refuse to let age take over.

  157. leadinglight says:

    Awesome post. With the 25 and quarter life crisis approaching, I’ve figured I’ll turn “20” this April instead. I suppose though because I look 16 people are constantly surprised, it would make sense to lower my age. I act how I want to anyway and my decisions are never defined by my age, just by what I enjoy.

  158. A nice read a little bit long for me i got the point after the first 4 paragraphs but i found myself indulged to read on as you did hit a spot with me when you spoke about telling your grandson to act his age, I to find myself saying the same thing to my 8year old son but after reading your artical I’m no longer going to say that any more, sure I am only being hyprocritical by doing so. I do truly beleve tho in the saying you are only as old as you feel and in my experience that changes for me on different days.

  159. Not acting your age keeps you young ☺

  160. If somebody asked/told me to “act your age” I wouldn’t have any idea how to act. I don’t think about my age. In fact, when I’m asked how old I am I have to calculate it. Isn’t it lucky that “you’re not supposed to ask a woman her age”? 😉

    Can’t hide from the small aches and pains that become noticeable after a while, though, or the reflection in the mirror. The difference is in what you tell yourself, and what you focus on. When I feel a bit achy (I’m not THAT old, I think!) I remember that I haven’t exercised in a while and it’s time to start again. When I see a gray hair, I think “yay!, I honestly earned another one”

    Enjoyed your post. And congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  161. islandmomma Life on a Small Island and Beyond says:

    I scrolled and I scrolled and wondered if it was worth leaving a comment because you have so many (and many congrats on the Freshly Pressed!), but I couldn’t resist, and to confirm your beliefs I see you’ve answered most, if not all, of them too!! The number of comments you have prove how right you are, even from young people, I note! I just wanted to say that I couldn’t agree with you more, every word you wrote is part of my personal philisophy. Me? I feel as if I’m getting younger instead of older, and it is SO good to know that there is a whole army out there! Talk about countries in revolt, I’m thinking we should revolt against the stereotyping and the ageism!! Thanks for writing this!!!!

    • There’s only one thing I love more than hearing from readers, and I probably shouldn’t mention it here. But something a good friend taught me years ago is that if somebody can take the time to pass along their thoughts, the least I can do is answer them. I know I’ve missed a few in this post, but I’ve tried to catch as many as I can.


  162. leicesterprise says:

    I like this article because I wrote something similar: http://leicesterprise.wordpress.com/category/ageing/

  163. Monica says:

    It’s good to see more and more people come to the realisation that age is just a number it doesn’t mean anything about who you are other than how many years you’ve had to make memories. Instead of acting, just being and living you have better times than if you ever decided you needed to “grow up”.

  164. Pingback: Roving Robin Report – Week of February 28th, 2011

  165. herschelian says:

    Your post and all the subsequent comments have made interesting reading. I started my 60th year by moving from the UK to China with my dear husband, am now trying to learn the language, making new friends, having new experiences. My dear Dad had his 90th birthday last week and was given a new laptop computer with all the bells and whistles – he’s designing his Facebook page – inappropriate? I think not.
    As far as I’m concerned the phrase ‘Getting old gracefully ‘ means ‘don’t be afraid of your age’ you will die one day, everyone does so don’t try to stay 25 with botox, plastic surgery and the like – that is just pathetic. Live life to the full, it’s the only one you get.

  166. Emily says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaay! you’ve put my mind at rest. i’m 11 and i have absoloutely no intention to grow up. in fact, i’ve been told i act like a 4 year old several times. i like cuddles. i like being carried and sitting on peoples laps. and i only recently stopped playing with barbies. my dream was always to go to neverland (or however you spell it!)

    • Emily, you hang onto that youth. Right now it’s easy, but in the next couple of years you’ll feel a lot of pressure to give in. I’ll never forget the sight of my daughter at the age of 14, standing in the middle of the mall doing the chicken dance to get my grandson to smile for a picture with the Easter bunny. If the kids at school had seen her, she probably would have heard it for weeks. But she didn’t care, because she was doing it for him. Sometimes you just have to look past those external pressures and have a little fun.

  167. Have fun at the Seger concert!

  168. fey's diary says:

    I learned more from this entry. Thank you so much Dave Glardon.

  169. Steve says:

    Love the post!
    I took guitar lessons way back in my late 40’s.
    At 53, my wife and I left the U.S.A. to teach English abroad. We’ve lived in Turkey and the Czech Republic, so far.
    We travel and enjoy our lives fully. We are members of Couchsurfing.com, through which we host and stay with folks of all ages who begin as complete strangers and become good friends.
    This latest “financial crisis” should have taught us all that there is no such thing as “security”, so we should grab life with both hands!
    We are definitely NOT looking back!!

  170. I didn’t find your post too long. I thought it was perfect. You made me cry happy tears this morning because you get it. I just turned 49 and some of my friends are bemoaning the upturn towards 50. One of them recently asked, “Doesn’t it bother you at all?” I replied, “No. I’m looking forward to it! I’m proud to have survived every minute of my life so far and I’m planning a huge party for that milestone too! Thank you for sharing this and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the quote about arriving safely at death. Enjoy Seger! *goes off about my day singing Night Moves*

  171. scribedoll says:

    I love your post! We would greatly benefit from a sprinkling of your philosophy in England! Here, twenty-eight year-olds fear getting old. I feel like slapping them. I wasn’t worried about turning forty, until my ‘friends’ started saying, “Oh, the big 4-0!” After 40, especially if you’re a woman, you start becoming ‘invisible’ here. I hasten to add, that I have several friends who are young enough to be my children, and who – frankly – add magic to my life. Sadly, many of my peers, however, drift into what they think is expected of their age group.

    Well, I am 46 next week and, to quote George Guetary in ‘An American in Paris’, I am “old enough to know what to do with my young feelings.”

    Thank you for cheering me up!

    Scribe Doll

  172. sittingpugs says:

    After all, age is just a number – does it have to be a state of mind?

    Chronological age is just a number; mental age refers to scholastic/intellectual ability.

    How old/young one feels and behaves is a state of mind. Not being forced to act according to social norms of what is and is not appropriate for any given age (legal issues notwithstanding)…would be a refreshing movement. So, we all need to grow up and be an adult, but we should have a ration of silliness every now and then.

    Do over. Or else I’m telling.

  173. Ian Webster says:

    An absolute gem! Wonderful, and Freshly Pressed too. And you didn’t even have pictures (the FP lady likes pictures). Shows how vivid and alive your words were. Great stuff!

    And your comment “if we’d all spend a little more time with kids, without trying so hard to be parents,” I wish I’d said that! I’m going to have to use it somewhere (I’ll send you all the royalties…)
    Take care

  174. yoochul says:

    it’s pretty much funny article….I never had act my age.thats just silly

  175. gpharmonized says:

    I absolutely and positively love the way you write. It’s so inspiring yet through and through it’s the facts of life. Yes we are told to act our age and yes most of us end up doing just so and what have we got to show for it, nothing. I am very glad to say that I believe your words on being yourself first then acting your age secondly is a great way of taking to life and hope to be able to apply the same to my, just 21 years, of life in the hopes that your inspiring “speech” will resonate in my life, that I will be able to enjoy whatever comes my way be it “age appropriate” or not. Though I am only 21 I recognize the whole telling your grandson to act age appropriate because that is exactly what my grandmother always does. To always eat healthy and stay in good shape. I think it’s true what some say. You can chose if you want to “age” like a fine wine, just getting better every day, or to age like a sour wine, worse every day. It’s all in the choices we decide to take and the road we decide to follow. Growing up does not mean losing our sense of fun of innocence and of Childish joys. I wish you all the best and thank you for this beautiful blog post.

    • Thank you so much. You know, you reminded me that years ago, my wife said, “You’ve aged like wine. In fact, I think you’re turning into vinegar.” Today she just tells me I’m not getting older, I’m getting better. That sure beats the other one!

      If you can see this at the age of 21, you’re among the fortunate few. Hang onto it, and never let go.

  176. It is not often one reads an article/blog and says to themselves, “That is exactly how I feel.” Seeing the large number of posts on this blog, says it all. I just turned 69. I work everyday, with my wife, in our insurance agency of twenty-seven years. Even though I am blessed in living in a very upscaled home, with a second home on a local lake, I do all the yard work myself. The blessings continue with the social security check that arrives once a month. It helps a lot in paying the taxes. Life is good…God is great.

    • Absolutely! I have to share this with you. Thursday evening, after I wrote this post, I said a little prayer. Basically it was “you’ve given me a gift, and it’s something I think you want me to share – show me how.” Friday morning I got up and found that I’d been selected for the FP page, and my hit counter went nuts. All I can say is “I hear you!”

  177. gothichydran126 says:

    Nice post!! I really needed to read this because last December I turned 30. To me 30 feels like it was the end of everything and I’m now considered old. But I try to keep telling myself that it’s not true. Strangely I don’t feel 30, I feel exactly the same as I felt in high school but with more important responsiblities that I gained coming out of college. Plus I’m told that I look like I’m in my early 20s (Which is good I guess). If someone told me to “act my age” I’d have to ask..”well what does that mean?” I’ve been responsible, on top of important things like a job or paying bills on time since I was 18, so what else is a 30 supposed to act like? I’ve seen a lot of people past 30 acting like idiots and that’s not something I want to act like.

  178. Aparajitha says:

    My gran is 80+ (she claims she doesn’t know her age). She never talks about being old. She uses her mobile phone like a pro and is touch with all her kids and grandkids. She would hop into a train whenever she feels like and goes wherever she wants .( not so often at present though) She has a great sense of humour. She is financially independent too. I have always wondered how she managed to do all that. I guess not caring about aging is her secret behind being such a rockstar .. 😀

  179. s says:

    No one needs permission to enjoy everything you can get your hands on. The passion of life is fullest in those who are most actively and thoroughly engaged in discovery!

  180. The Dreamer says:

    I love your thinking there, and very much enjoyed your posts. Thank you.

    One of my favourite quote “i don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that i lived just the length of it. i want to have lived the width of it as well”

    I feel and act much younger now than I did when I was 18, I took life too seriously but luckily I woke up one morning and saw the light!
    I’ll be 30 in 2 years and 2 months, and hubby will be 50 in 6 months.
    Yes there is a little gap there, but it works perfectly for us, I keep him young and he taught me to keep a level head. We both gets younger every year and I believe that is the secret to a happy and healthy life!

    I wish everyone be blessed with this secret and wisdom and live a life with true happiness 🙂

  181. mecalvincasey says:

    To me aging gracefully means that I will not take what I have for granted. At 44 (soon to be 45) I am just now beginning to live my life… being more active than I have ever been and enjoying everything around me. I just booked my reservations to hike the Chilkoot trail in honor of my 45th birthday this summer as a milestone that I may be aging but I am not growing old… I will be feeling every one of those 33 miles however, especially the day after the “golden staircase”.

    Thanks for sharing!

  182. Barbara @ Just Another Manic Mommy says:

    i love this post. it is perfect timing for me having just turned 40 yesterday. the part about kids teaching us even choked me up a bit. congrats on being pressed!

  183. Evie Garone says:

    I think there is a fine line to walk…childlike not childish is the way to go! There are certain things we must accept as we age, but there is always room to look at the world through the eyes of a child with wonder and enthusiasm, always dance and sing and enjoy, but unfortunately you have to pay the bills and face the reality of health issues!

  184. C.H. says:

    What is age? If I’m to believe the science, most of the cells that comprise my body are only 10 years old, anyway.

    Nice post 😉

  185. Sunny says:

    Ahh, reminds me of the Toys-R-Us commercial I used to watch growing up. “I don’t want grow up! I’m a Toys-R-Us kid!” It never really made full sense to me until I was no longer a little kid. For kids, everything is new and potentially pleasurable and if you think that way for the entirety of your life, you have found the fountain of youth.

  186. beecos24 says:

    As I get older, I do enjoy my naps more. I see them as a battery recharge so I can have the energy to be goofy during the second half of my day. No growing up for me. Nope, never.

  187. gmomj says:

    At the doorstep of 50 I’m starting to feel my age.
    I’d like a little more sleep and a slower start to my day. Instead I’m back to child rearing. Would I have it any other way. You bet!
    Getting older is okay.
    If people want to slow the aging process they just need to present it to congress. That’ll stop it.
    Aging is alright. I like it.
    Life is cool when everyone has a mustache.

  188. steeddy says:

    Ill never grow up i just have a brilliant sense of humour when i loose my humour il no that ive grew up lol 🙂

  189. pattyabr says:

    Ditto w/Phylllis above. I remember when all I wanted was to be older. I think for me it was the anxiety of never knowing how I was supposed to act. When I acted like an idiot in college, even I was sick of myself. When I became a parent if I didn’t focus on being responsible I wouldn’t have. The beauty of hitting the top of the hill is the ride down is easier. You know, been there done that. It’s easier now because we’ve had the experiences of life and we don’t have to try so hard to be anything but ourselves. Great blog. You are an inspiration to a floudering writer.

  190. zenmamajo says:

    wow – this is a great find on this 33rd bday of mine! here! here! (or is it ‘hear!’ hear!’…isn’t that a shame i don’ t know that by now??? *hahah*). i don’t mind ‘aging’…another year of wisdom: the wisdom to know that i don’t know as much as i’d like to think!

    seriously – i wonder if people complain about ‘getting old’ because they’ve given up on life and themselves. maybe they are simply fearful of trying new things. i do find as i get older i experience more irrational fears / hesitations about things. it’s pretty annoying, really.

    great article – great attitude!

  191. vic ruiz says:

    It is nice to know that there are people who are quite shy, shy and a bit shy getting old- who knows? Maybe I am one of them, a neither here nor there! One thing is certain do – please do not grow old and be able to young again without consoling to our Lord Jesus Christ. He is after all our Lord and Saviour!

  192. betsy von awesome says:

    George Burns said, “You’re only too old when you’re dead.” Oh, I do love that man. 🙂

  193. raindeocampo says:

    love this post 🙂

  194. Nice post and exactly how I feel. Never, ever, stand still. Unless you are playing musical statues (but even then, keep moving in your mind).

    “I don’t believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates” (T.S. Eliot)

  195. Glad you’re having so much fun. I’m always telling my husband. You’re too young to act so old. I’m 7 years older and can run circles around him.

  196. Ashley says:

    I love this, “It’s free, and nothing covers wrinkles like a smile.”

    It’s funny that people always told me I look younger than my age, but they would also tell me I speak/act older than my age. I don’t understand the contradiction of this.

    In fact, I am going to be 31 soon but I am still feeling like I’m 18. Just few weeks ago, I woke up and thought my 30 birthday was coming, actually, that was so last year. So, I am younger or older, even I can’t figure that out myself. 🙂

    • Ashley, I think to a certain point in life it’s a compliment for people to say you act older than you really are. Because they’re saying you show a level of maturity and insight that’s above your years. These are good characteristics, so it’s not a bad thing.

      But if you’re about to turn 31 and still feel like you’re 18, you’ve discovered at least some of the secrets of youth. In the next ten years, there will be days when you don’t feel like you’re 18 any more. But something tells me you’ll be one who doesn’t dwell on that and makes the most of life anyway. And that’s the real key to retaining your youth.

  197. Hi Dave,
    This article is EXACTLY what I have been preachin’ to my clients that I work with. I am in my 30’s and I work with a great many clients in massage and bodywork in a retirement community and many are well over the age of 65. Age ranges from 55 – 97. I see over and over again that linear age has NOTHING at all to do with the inner age of the person. It is a state of mind and many older folks believe truly that because of their linear age that they have to “act” a certain way and actually make themselves older than they are. The clients I have that I admire so much are the ones who stay young at heart and keep a sense of humor and keep an open mind to the changes going on in the world with a grain of salt. One of my clients who is 82 had come in for a session after a fall she took and her elbows were bruised. I said, “how are you doin’?” She said, “Well, you think I look bad, you should see ‘old age.’ Me and old age had a fight yesterday and I kicked its a**.” We both giggled. Of course, I was grateful she wasn’t hurt. My dismay comes from the medical community of physicians. Many believe in linear age as making someone susceptible to illness and because many people see physicians as an authority figure, they believe the doctor when he/she says, “you have this or that illness because you are old.” Then the person believes it and this feeds the loop of believing old age means getting sick and giving up a sense of humor. I advocate staying young at heart! Thanks for the post 😉

    • Thank you Shannon for such an insightful response. My oldest daughter is a nurse, and has spent most of her career in nursing homes. She’s told me similar stories, and it’s heartwarming to hear of people who refuse to give up on life simply because the clock is ticking. It’s ticking for all of us. I figure if God can see clear to give us some extra time on this earth, we should make the most of it.

      “Me and old age had a fight yesterday and I kicked its a**.” I LOVE IT!

  198. mysoulforsale says:

    This is a great sentiment that we should all commit to memory because it’s so important. Thank you for this. Great post and congratulations on being freshly pressed!

  199. lauraeddings says:

    I’ve never acted my age but that might just be a good thing depending on how you look at it 😉

  200. halfwayto50 says:

    I’m 25 and as my username shows, I think about my age a lot. I’m not old but I’m not young. I get confused on how I’m “supposed” to act. There are days when I want to drink excessively with my friends and shout along with the terrible music the bar is playing. But there are also days when I want to hang out at Lowe’s dreaming up home projects that need to get done with my husband. I don’t know where I fit in at my age, the bar or Lowe’s? But after reading your post, I don’t think I care. I’ll go to Lowe’s and help my husband put up shelves during the day, and drink one too many beers that night. I’m 25 and I’m going to own it, just like you. Loved the last line you wrote, I’ll be writing that one down!

  201. uforicfood says:

    Let me firstly say Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!
    I have always acted older than my years – always wanted to br more grown up, have more responsibilities and freedom to do what I want.
    Over the past 18 months I have realised that it’s fun to act ones age … a lot of fun!
    I will be sending this post on to my mum – she’s always complaining about how old she is/feels etc.
    So insightful and it’s wonderful to hear someone write such positive things about young people. It’s freshing!

  202. pcd4 says:

    I hate it when someone asks me about my age.Not that I am shy of my age but its the other way around. What I dislike most is when they say “Really you’re 23 years old?You look like a high school student.” Shocks! I am trying my best to look like a lady but it turned out I look like a girl.:c’

    • Thank you for making me laugh early in the morning. It seems for the first 25 years, we do our best to look older. And for the rest of our life, we wish we looked younger. Be happy with your youthful looks. People are paying you a compliment. It won’t last forever, so enjoy it while you can. 🙂

  203. Lovely thought, and extremely well put! At 29, I might not be in the best position to understand the tiny nuances of aging, but I loved the lines – “You see, aging is inevitable. But growing old is a matter of personal choice.” I totally agree with that notion.

    This has made my day, and I am especially going to recommend this blog post to my parents. Here’s wishing you have a great and memorable time at the concert!

    Congratulations on being ‘Freshly Pressed’ 🙂

  204. blowingoutthecandle says:

    Read this on Age… I really like how you frame such a positive outlook on life and every paragraph shines with happiness.


  205. My grandparents don’t even own a toaster, let alone a computer, let alone know how to use one. I think they believe their best times are over, and no matter how much they try and change it, it wont be the same. I’m going to show them this post.

    • I hope your grandparents will find a ray of inspiration in this. They may be a lot more contented than you think, and toasters and computers aren’t the ultimate signs of youth. But if you think their best times are over, maybe they could use a little help. I’m just glad they’ve got somebody like you who cares enough to try.

  206. The idea of living to the fullest and not being subdued by the number of your age is simply lovable. I think everyone on this earth should live that way and free himself from any clutches that hold us back.

  207. element119 says:

    Loved reading this! I am only 19 years old, but have always wondered about the future and this is one thing that I will definitely remember and keep in mind. Very glad that this was one freshly pressed, congratulations!

  208. juliaface says:

    My grandpa is 86 (or so I think…it’s really hard to keep track of his birthdays because he works on the Chinese calendar, and his birthday is actually a secret until a week after it has passed) and you would think he had the mind of a 50-something year old man. He’s never old, he’s always ‘getting old’. But he never states that he’s ever quite gotten there. He said to me that he was getting old, and that his hips weren’t as good as they used to be, and it’s hard to do Tai Chi anymore – so he decided to do a 6km walk around the river everyday to keep them going. And he actually does it, every morning, just so he doesn’t get old.

  209. kristapskw says:

    Nice one! 🙂

  210. esmeworld says:

    Amazing read!! and so true! I’m approaching 30 and I still hang out with my 21 year old sister. Recently we went to an Ozzy Osbourne concert and had the time of our lives! I refuse to let my grown-up status dictate what kind of fun I should have; regardless of age, I’m going to have some fun and be silly and have a laugh (lots of laughs).

    • I saw Ozzy back in the mid-seventies, when he was still with Black Sabbath. It’s sad what a lifetime of drug abuse has done to his brain, but he’s another example of an older person who refuses to act old. And that’s probably what’s kept him alive this long.

  211. albeindc says:

    i think you’re spot on with the topic. acting one’s age is such a subjective thing, and i think it’s healthy to throw caution to the wind every now and then. sometimes we sway towards one end or the other, but we only get a lifetime to ever act our age. so why not enjoy the times for what they are and make the most of it. bravo.

  212. Yes…Yes…a thousand times yes!! If there was a “flipping loved it” button instead of “like” I would have clicked right away.
    I have birthday coming up in March…now that I have reached “mid life” I am going to start counting backwards. In 10 years I’ll be in my 30’s again…..

  213. Lacey... says:

    Well…as I slowly drag myself to 40, I can’t help but ask how the heck did this happen? Just the other day I turned 27, then I blink and 40 is hanging over my head.

    All that said though, I have never had anyone guess my age right, and as a matter of fact, they rarely go over that proverbial 27.

    So, I just decided if I think 27 and “act” 27, I should have a pretty darn good time from now until 27 ends.

    btw love your stories, they make me smile and helps keep me 27 just that much longer.

  214. I dreamed to grow up when I was a child, but I dream to be a child now.

  215. summerzhouyi says:

    although am 26, but I always said am older and older just because we feel tried living in Beijing, so much pressure. “we don’t stop laughing because we grow old – we grow old because we stop laughing. ” good saying, I love it.

    • As I look around the world, I see lots of places where I realize that the ability to feel young can be a challenge – and sometimes it may even seem futile. The unrest in the Middle East, people being beaten and shot for peacefully protesting is enough to zap the humor out of anybody. Yet I still see people in those newscasts laughing and trying to make the most of the moment. When you feel tempted to let your environment get the best of you, consider people who have it so much worse. People who live in grass huts in a snake-infested jungle, with no doctors or dentists, and a life expectancy of about 35 years. Yet they still find time to laugh and play. It’s humbling.

      Thank you for writing.

  216. Fox@n says:

    Took me a long way to get down here to comment .,……. anyways lol i say that to my brother because he tries to act like a baby… but all true it depends how they are acting right? Anyways good post!

  217. Brilliant stuff, love this entry so much and you are so, so right. As my other half says, I joined the navy at 17 1/2 and left 23 years later at 18 because nobody told me to grow up. In his 60s now, reckon there’s little hope of him ever growing old, bless him… M

    • Marie, I spent 12 years in the Navy myself and I can attest to the fact that sea duty does absolutely nothing to promote the concept of growing up. I always used to tell people if you can sleep well at night, it’s not because I’m on duty, it’s in spite of it. 😀

  218. llh3685126 says:

    Keep a cheerful heart, age not represent what, even to the age of 80 years, so long as you keep a cheerful heart, the young heart. Life will be more fascinating.
    Rosetta stone

  219. Megan Nyberg's Meditations says:

    Kids would be much better off if we let them act their age and didn’t force them to “act mature.” I wish we all acted more like kids sometimes! Life would be much more enjoyable! Great post!

  220. I love the last paragraph of your blog! I do believe age is just a number and you are only as old as you feel. Great post!

  221. Keri says:

    Great post. I’ll drink to that.

    p.s. I know what happened to Baby Jane Hudson!

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